In Idugampalayam, tentatively around 655 years ago during KrishnaDevaRaya period the 5'6" statue of Lord Anjaneyar was constructed by one called ViyasaRayar. The most highlighting special feature of this statue is that its distinctive posture (not found anywhere)and was made of a single monolithic rock, called as "Suyambu". On the right side of Lord Anjaneyar lies statues of Lord Vinayaka and Nandhi both were also carved out of a "Suyambu". To the pivot side of Lord Vinayaga,carvings of Kamadhenu shedding milk to Lingam can be found.

Behind these statues a Suyambu Lingeswarar is seen. In an event when Lord Rama requested Anjaneya to fetch a Linga for his Pooja and since Anjaneya did not turnout for a longtime, Rama made the above said Suyambu Lingeswarar.On his return Lord Anjaneya tried to uproot the Rama's Linga to replace it with the Linga he brought and failed. So the Linga brought by Lord Anjaneyar is also placed beside the Suyambu Lingeswarar.